Repeater Antenna Replacement
On August 2, 2018 the new UHF antenna was installed along with an APRS antenna. Here are some pictures of that install.

Rob (NR30) up the tower removing the old UHF antenna system.

Randy (AJ7B) holding the line supporting the old UHF antenna assembly.

Randy (AJ7B) pulling on the line lowering the old UHF antenna system while Rogert (KF7WVT – back to camera) and Jim (W7ETE) help guide the assembly down.

Rob (NR3O) and Roger (KF7WVT) mount the second HAMWAN dish to the horizontal frame.

Jim W7ETE and Roger (KF7WVT) mount the new VHF APRS antenna to the horizontal frame.

Rob (NR3O) creates CAT5 data cables for both HAMWAN dishes.
On April 9, 2018, a new VHF antenna was installed to replace one that had become waterlogged. Here are some pictures of the people installing the new antenna.

VHF and UHF Antenna on trailer while preparing ropes to lift them to Bakerview Apts roof.

Rob (NR3O) on the tower attaching the new VHF antenna.

Ron (KC6FJO) and Jim (W7ETE) hauling up the VHF antenna.

Peanut Gallery with lots of advice!