The Snohomish County Hams Club is dedicated to making it easy for any person with the interest and desire to obtain their entry level amateur radio operators license to have the opportunity to study, learn and to successfully test for their Technician Class License. For those Technician Level Licensees, we also offer a General Class License class.

Gary Evans, AB7RK is the education coordinator for the club and coordinates the planning of classes including location, instructors, materials and the 100’s of other things that it takes to make these things happen. We are very lucky to have Gary and all the instructors working so hard for the benefit of the club and the hobby.

The club typically offers two or more classes per year and will attempt to accommodate groups that may have a special interest in obtaining their licenses on a case by case basis.

License Class Dates Flyer
Technician License April 4-6 Class Flyer
General Class TBD

Cost for the Technician Class is $25, and the General Class is $35. This covers the exam fee and a small donation to cover miscellaneous class supplies, however it DOES NOT include the book. For those working toward a Technician Class License, we recommend that you obtain the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual: 5th Edition. For General Class License study we recommend the ARRL General Class License Manual: 10th Edition. Books can be obtained via or other online sources.

We also maintain an ‘interest’ list for folks that want to take a class, for when none of the currently scheduled classes will work (time wise.) We send emails to those on the waiting list when we schedule new classes, or when we hear about other clubs classes becoming available.

With enough interest, we can even add new classes.

If you have questions or would like to register for one of our up-coming classes, please email