Club Meetings
With the exception of June and December, we have general membership meetings on the fourth Saturday of the month at 9:00 A.M. Check the Events Calendar for a date. Our next General Membership meeting is February 26thd. This meeting may be an in-person meeting with a Zoom…

Event Calendar
Weekly Sunday – VHF FM Net (WA7LAW Repeater) – 7 P.M. Wednesday – UHF Digital FM Net (WA7LAW Repeater) – 7 P.M. Thursday – VHF FM YL Net (WA7LAW Repeater) – 7 P.M. ——– 2022 —— February 26 (Sat) – 9 A.M. Club meeting June 25 – 26 (Sat – Sun) – Field Day ….

Evening Nets
An amateur radio “net” is an on-the-air gathering of amateur radio operators. Snohomish County Hams Club sponsors a net every Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday evening at 7 P.M. on the club repeater. The club operates two repeaters. One is in the VHF band and the other in the UHF…

Christmas Party
On December 18th (Saturday), the Snohomish County Hams Club will celebrate Christmas with a party. We celebrate with a potluck dinner where the club provides the main courses — turkey, ham, and lasagna. Club members bring sides and desserts. We have a gift exchange where..

7QP (short for 7th Call Area QSO Party) is an annual contest typically held the first weekend in May. Details on the contest itself can be found here. 7QP is the first major operating event of the year for the Snohomish County Hams Club and is an opportunity to get out, have…

Field Day
Field Day is an annual event in which amateur radio clubs all over the country participate. Snohomish County Hams Club practices emergency preparedness by setting up amateur radio stations at a local park and powering them with batteries. There is also a contest in which…

Washington State Nets
Rather than try to keep a set of nets updated on this web site, the link below goes to the ARRL Western Washington Section website that has a good list of Washington State Nets. On the top of that web page, click on “WWA Nets”. ARRL Western Washington Section..

JOTA – Jamboree On The Air
Snohomish County Hams Club assists the local Boy Scouts with JOTA yearly in October. All are welcome to assist each year. This allows the scouts the opportunity to make the necessary contacts for those that are after their HAM merit badge. JAMBOREE-ON-THE-AIR (JOTA) -…