Our members come from diverse backgrounds and varying levels of experience in amateur radio. We have members who have recently received their license, and members who have over half a century of experience in ham radio. Our members come from all walks of life – retired military, doctors and nurses, millwrights and metal fabricators, mechanics, lawyers, technicians, cooks, engineers, managers, and many other professions. Amateur radio is a common thread and each and every one of us in this group, regardless of background shares this interest.
True, our interests within the hobby vary as much as our backgrounds, but what we hold in common is the love for this hobby. This unites us all. More than that, no one person in the club “knows it all.” As a result we share our skills, knowledge and our own interests. The end result is a greater enjoyment as well as an opportunity to grow from the experiences for every member that participates in the club.
The club, through it’s members, tries to create an atmosphere where people truly feel like they can ask the “dumb question” because (it isn’t dumb, and) they will never be judged poorly for it. Ham radio is so multi-faceted that no single person ever can know it all. Chances are, no matter what the question, someone else in the group either has the same question or has asked it themselves in the past, and someone else will know at least part of the answer!

Meet the Board!
Each year club members select fellow amateurs to shepard and guide the club to continue the tradition of Amateur Radio in Snohomish County. Find out more about these dedicated individuals here.

It is said that “many hands make light work” and the same is true of our club. None of this would be possible if it weren’t for members like YOU who are willing to step forward and help out. Please feel free to touch bases with one of the below members for any areas you are interested in.

Ham of the Year
Each year the Nominating Committee chooses a club member to be Ham of the Year. The committee solicits input from all club members about contributions club members have made to the club and the hobby throughout the year. The announcement and …

The WA7LAW Repeater
The Snohomish County Hams Club (WA7LAW) currently maintains two repeaters, one set to a VHF frequency and the other to a UHF frequency. You do not have to be a member of the club to use the basic functions of the repeater.
More about the WA7LAW Repeater System